In the recent school holidays, Somerset College hosted our first Code Camp with 69 keen coders, spread across 3 Spark classes. As you can see from the photos, the students loved Code Camp and were extra proud to show their apps to parents and friends.

Over the three days, the students used a program called Code Camp World to create their very own game. They had a lot of creative control when designing levels and learned a lot about the coding language along the way. Overall, the kids were pretty excited about the end products they created, and so were the Code Camp staff.

In the words of some of the students from the Junior School that attended:

Code Camp was amazing because the teachers were fun. Don’t change anything!


I had a great time at Code Camp and loved learning how to code a game.


I loved Code Camp!


Dates for Code Camp in the next holidays will be posted on the Schoolbox calendar and communicated via Schoolbox notices closer to the time.

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