Here at Somerset, we will continue to encourage our students to look towards the interests of others in both small and big ways. Whether it is holding the door open for someone, picking up rubbish that is not yours, volunteering to coach or mentor a younger student or partaking in one of the organised local or national service learning projects, the opportunities are continually there for the taking.

Media and advertising often tell our children that they are the most important people in the world and that they must be prepared to do ‘whatever it takes’ to ensure their dreams are a success. It is our job as parents and teachers to balance this by modelling and encouraging a genuine interest in the wellbeing of others. Here are three simple things we can do to promote a servant heart in our children: 1. Explain why it is important to serve. Obviously, there are the proven benefits to ones own wellbeing when we look beyond ourselves but our children also need to understand the responsibility that comes when we live in community. 2/. Children look to their parents for guidance on modelling behaviour. Being someone who helps others and the environment is one of the clearest ways for them to understand its importance. Share stories of others serving in your community so your child can see examples of ways to help. Volunteer to do activities where you are serving together as a family. Spend a Sunday morning helping our local Disabled Surfers Association or picking up rubbish from the local park or beach. Encourage your child to donate old clothes and blankets to a Winter Appeal rather than having a garage sale or cook a meal together for a family who has a newborn, the homeless or for someone who is caring for a sick loved one. The list is endless.

There are a myriad of opportunities at the College for our students to serve and these are highlighted in our IMPACT Programme 2019 booklet found here. Tomorrow, our 1st XV Rugby Squad will be working with Legacy to help a war widow clean-up her yard in what Legacy calls their Backyard Assist Programme. There will be many opportunities like this for your son or daughter to connect with community during the year, including the activities for their House charities.

This year, let us continue to work together to raise young men and women who have the desire to be contributing members of their local, national and global communities.

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