The fire hissed its soothing song sweetly as the crescent moon watched the night skies. Trees whispered ancient stories; stories of a time long ago.

Karra’s livid blue eyes lazily drifted up into the twinkling stars above. His snowy white fur rustled in the calm breeze. Gingerly, the wind patted Husha’s glistening cheek. Sounds of the night echoed through the forest like soft lullabies being sung to a new-born baby. AAAAAH! Wails of absolute agony erupted from every corner. Karra stood still, his razor-sharp teeth bared. Quickly, Husha and his parents got up from their midnight slumber and readied themselves for an attack. Silence yet again. Two green arrows whizzed through the air like a bird swooping for its prey. Krrrrrk! Husha’s parents stared blindly into the distance and then fell to the ground. “Ma!” cried Husha, “Fa!”. Husha’s parents looked at Husha, their soulless eyes burning into his own. “Journey to the Cave of Doom, fight the scourge, take the Stone of Tukla and kill Sukfa!” Ma and Fa chanted. With those words, their bodies crumpled into dust.

As Husha ran from the cries of his tribe, his long, shining black hair streamed behind him; his musty, brown eyes fixed on the path ahead of him; his tanned skin shining in the ominous moonlight. Karra tailed along with him as they ventured through the dense forest. “Karra,” whimpered Husha with fat tears rolling down his “w-w-where i-is th-the C-Cave of D-Doom.” Suddenly, Karra shot a look to the west. Wow, she still remembers where it is thought Husha. Karra was found in her den, lying sadly on the ground as her pack was killed by humans next to the Cave of Doom. Turning around, Husha started to sprint through the forest to where Karra pointed out. It was his destiny. It was his time to avenge his parents.

Out of the corner of Husha’s eyes, he glimpsed a gargantuan cave. The Cave of Doom thought Husha. Screams echoed in his head like a ravaging earthquake. Death. Destruction. Chaos. Out of the blue, a massive beast marched out of the Cave. Drool slid down his hideous mouth; its eyes flashed a woeful emerald; snot trickled down its horrible brown, hairy face; its muscular arms clutched a skull; it was filled with utter malice. ROAAAAR! Abruptly, it swung its humongous arm towards Husha. Luckily, he dodged. Without second thought, Husha reached out for his handaxe and slashed at the monster’s arm. Shouts of excruciating pain bellowed from its mouth. Husha’s eyes were red blankets as he vanquished the monster. A glowing stone emerged from the dark depths of the Cave of Doom. The Stone of Tukla.

Mystically, a man appeared in front of Husha. It was Sukfa. He was a traitor to the ancient deities of the tribes. He committed the offence of worshipping the Demon King and becoming his ‘Mortal General’. “Hello,” taunted Sukfa, “happy to see me.” “You killed my parents didn’t you,” said Husha. Sukfa relished the thought as though he loved the memory. “It was very satisfying killing your parents,” Sukfa sneered, “once you went, I offered their bodies as a sacrifice to the Demon King.” As Sukfa neared Husha, his devilish bloodshot eyes blazed eternal fire. Scars glistened down his muscular arms; showing his hunger to kill. His messy, curly hair draped down his damp face. “I WILL KILL YOU!” yelled Husha. Deep cuts were etched into Husha’s whole body. Wincing with pain, Husha grasped the Stone of Tukla. “NOOOOOOOO!” shrieked Sukfa as he dissolved into thin air. “Another soul needed,” echoed the Stone. Karra lay dead in front of Husha. “Karra!” sobbed Husha, “don’t leave me!” Husha buried his stricken face into Karra’s fur. His quest was over, but he felt sorrow inside. Looking into the night sky he saw a constellation forming. A constellation of him with his parents and Karra immortalised forever. Tears emerged from his eyes as he knew one day, he would join them in the heavens. For now, it was up to him to choose his own path. A path of destiny…

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