There are cynical people who delight in pointing out the way Father's Day sits neatly between Mother's Day and Christmas, a nice little sales prompt for the retailers. It certainly is that, but it is much more.

There are others who would have us shun the day for fear of offending those who do not have a father and those in non-traditional relationships, or worse, those with poor experiences with fathers.

Sadly, they miss the point. While there is truth in both lines of thinking they are responding to an impression about Father’s Day, not the true history or essence of the event.

Interestingly, the first celebration of Father’s Day was instigated by the daughter of a man who raised his six children on his own after his wife died in childbirth. In 1910 Sonora Smart Dodd was celebrating a man who deserved honour because he was both father and mother. The celebration was all around his actions, not his maleness or contribution of chromosomes.

In our College community we have different kinds of families: many with a mum and dad, some with just a mum or just a dad, some with a dad they live with most of the time and another one somewhere else, some with mums and some with dads. This doesn’t mean only some people can celebrate Father’s Day because Father’s Day is not about being a man, or even a dad, it’s about celebrating great Dad Things. Every family has parents or grandparents who do these Dad Things, and that’s what we’ll celebrate on Sunday.

The only prayer Jesus actually taught is called The Lord’s Prayer, we often pray it at College events. In Jesus’ words it is directed to His Father and as we look at it through that lens it is a wonderful statement about the truly great Dad Things.

Our Father in heaven,

Dad Thing 1 is giving us confidence for the future by showing us where we can be and the life we can have.

Hallowed be your Name,

Dad Thing 2 is generating respect by your character, setting an example for us to follow.

Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Dad Thing 3 is setting rules and guidelines so we know how to live well and stay safe.

Give us today our daily bread.

Dad Thing 4 is providing for us – food, shelter, clothing, schooling and more.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Dad Thing 5 is forgiving us when we have done the wrong thing, at the same time as helping us understand when we’ve done the wrong thing

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

Dad Thing 6 is protecting us and keeping us safe from what others might do to us, and from what we might do to ourselves.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever.

This is beyond even the best earthly Dad Things, but in this prayer to His Father Jesus is basically saying “thanks for being so fantastic”.

On Sunday, make sure you say “thanks for being so fantastic” to the person, or people, who deliver the Dad Things to you.

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