Our Junior School joined thousands of others across Australia and New Zealand in celebrating National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) 2024, on Wednesday, May 22, at 12.00noon. This annual event, organised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), brings together schools, public libraries, pre-schools, childcare centres, and even family homes for a unique shared reading experience.

This year's featured book was Bowerbird Blues, written and illustrated by the talented Aura Parker. The story captivated our Junior students, offering them a wonderful opportunity to delve into the world of bowerbirds. These fascinating creatures inspired our young readers to explore and research as part of their Information Literacy lessons, resulting in an impressive display of newfound knowledge. Parents, be sure to ask your children about bowerbirds - they will amaze you with their insights!

National Simultaneous Storytime, now in its 24th year, is a vibrant and fun event that promotes the importance of reading and literacy. By selecting a book that aligns with the National Curriculum for Prep to Year 6, NSS not only encourages a love for reading but also supports key educational goals. Bowerbird blues is a perfect example, combining beautiful illustrations with an engaging narrative that is both entertaining and educational.

We are proud to be part of this significant event, fostering a love of books and reading in our students. It’s a wonderful reminder of the power of stories to bring people together, ignite imaginations, and build knowledge. Here's to many more years of shared reading and literary celebration!

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