For my Personal Project, I have decided to delve further into the art of composing, and how to use music as a way to represent a story. 

Since a young age, I have always played pieces composed by other people on piano, although rarely do I get to compose a work of my own and play it. Personal Project offered me a chance to do just that, and I concluded in creating a story in the genre of love and composing a piano piece that matches the ups and downs in a relationship. 

My story consisted of a romantic relationship between Caspian and Kalee set within a small town called “Harmony Falls”. From their love at first sight, to arguments occurring and eventually resolving their conflicts, I have attempted to capture this staggering storyline within my composed piece through musical techniques such as varying tempo and change of tonality.

My composition was completed through the ATL skills of predominantly Research and Communication. I enjoyed learning through others and varying sources on how to compose a good piece and also loved communicating with my peers and teachers regarding any feedback they may have along the way.

Overall, Personal Project has been really enjoyable so far as I am doing things I am passionate about and I am looking forward to sharing my piece live at the Personal Project Evening.

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