As described by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner in Australia, "Safer Internet Day is a worldwide event that raises awareness about online safety and encourages everyone to help create a better internet." This day was celebrated by millions of people in over 150 countries on Tuesday, 11 February.

This year, the Somerset College students in the Junior School recognised Safer Internet Day throughout Week 3 by participating in various activities in their Information Literacy lessons. Students in the ELP listened to and interacted with age appropriate stories that covered topics such as asking for permission before using a digital device, telling a trusted adult if they see or hear something online that makes them feel sad, scared or worried and ensuring that there is a healthy balance between screen time and physical play.

If you and your family are interested in developing a technology agreement that can assist in making good choices online and ‘finding the balance,’ feel free to download the Play School technology agreement. This agreement is intended for kids under the age of five, however, it can easily be adapted for older children.

Similar themes were discussed in Years 3 to 6 and the main question that was explored was, ‘How are you making the internet a safer place?’ Students understand that the internet is a fun place to explore but they need to do so in a safe and responsible way by using their critical thinking skills. They know that they should conduct themselves in the same way they would in the real world. Simple yet powerful messages such as ‘be kind online’ and ‘think before you click’ are helping to keep our young people safe.

Parents and carers are encouraged to continue these conversations with their children about what these key messages mean and how they can be applied to real-life situations on the playground as well as outside of school.

Thank you in advance for your support and please help spread the word and raise awareness about the importance of a safer and more positive internet. To see what others have done to promote Safer Internet Day or make use of the resources available please visit here.

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