Our journey to Parliament House in Brisbane began bright and early with a group of excited Year 6 students and two of our amazing teachers. We started the day off full of energy and enthusiasm; everyone was there. We boarded the train feeling a buzz of excitement. I mean who wouldn’t be? As we sat on the train, we spoke about our day ahead and played some games to pass the time...

As we stepped off the train, we saw the city of Brisbane. We had a short scenic walk over the South Bank bridge and the view was breathtaking. Before we knew it, we were at the doors of Parliament House. We patiently went through security before we had a quick snack, then entered the grand stairs to the House of Representatives. We eagerly rushed to our assigned seats in the House and soon we were seated on the soft cushiony chairs of Parliament House! Could you imagine sitting in the seat of a real Queensland Parliament Member? 

During the session, we learnt about the formalities such as bowing when you walk out of the room and how to agree with a statement (here, here!). Transport and private members spoke about their topics. Of course, there were other schools there too! In fact, there were 88 students in total! We were truly inspired by their unique thoughts and ideas. After the first session of parliament, we walked to the gardens for morning tea. 

Our stomachs longed for popcorn, sandwiches, fruit boxes and more! Within seconds the tables were swarming with children like a hive of bees. The juices were grabbed and slurped, and sandwiches were devoured within minutes. Did you know that I ate a total of seven sandwiches? As we walked back into the House of Representatives, we met Ros Bates our local MP and learnt that Youth Parliament only runs once every four years, so we were really fortunate to be involved in this activity! While we were seated, we heard about our local issues and technology usage. 

Before we realised it, Parliament was finished! We returned to the train station and were on our way back home. As we exited the train our parents greeted us with warm friendly smiles and big hugs. Parliament was fun and an unforgettable experience.

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