Due to COVID-19, Somerset Football was forced to suspend programmes for a total of five school weeks. This mean we missed out the last three weeks of Term One and the first two weeks from Term Two.

With the updated COVID-19 restrictions, we started this term providing 1 on 1 football training.

After not being on the field for a total of two months, I was happy to be back on the pitch. By providing 1 on 1 training we could work very specific with each player. We could also analyse the strength and weaknesses from each student and provide players with feedback to improve his or her weaknesses.

In the past two weeks we have provided a total of 40 private sessions. We have done two sessions in the morning, and two sessions in the afternoon. We have completed sessions with students from Year 1 until Year 12.

Student Serenity Thake trained every Wednesday from 6.30am to 7.15am when we worked on shooting skills and especially the free kick (see pictures).

Football Homework Videos

As soon as football was suspended, we were worried about the players' development. It is very important the players continue developing their skills. With thanks to Coach Cooper and Coach Kydra, the players were able to practice each week new Football skills. All Somerset students had the opportunity to improve through the Somerset Football Homework videos, shown here.

Somerset Spartans Football Programme from Somerset College on Vimeo.

For any information about Football and Futsal at Somerset College, please contact Maarten de Kruijf.

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