During the school holidays our Year 5 and Year 6 Football Girls travelled to Cairns to participate in FNQ Youth Football Cup. The Tour took place from Sunday April 7 to Friday April 12.

This is the third football tour from Somerset Football, the past two years we travelled with our boys and this year we gave our girls this great opportunity.

In preparation of the tour, we had undertaken several Strength and Conditioning sessions and sport workshops with Harry McMaster and Sophie Dodd. These sessions and workshops have resulted in a strong and healthy team during the whole week!

Early Sunday morning, we departed from Gold Coast Airport to Cairns Airport. Once arrived we needed think about our nutrition for the week. And we bought us healthy snacks and drinks for optimal sport performance. In the afternoon we had scheduled our team training and light training sessions.

On day two, all the students have participated in the Football Camp and have met former professional football players. After the session we cooled down at the at Cairns Lagoon.

On day three, four and five we played the football tournament. We played a total of eight matches over the three days. The Tournament was a great experience to play vs clubs and academies from other states and countries (New Zealand).

Well done to our Spartans Robin Wang, Alex Lee, Chloe Li, Edith Hilbert, Audrey Hilbert, Arianna Reading, Mayuko Takahata, Imogen Sounness and Frankie Dew for have taken part in the third Somerset Football Tour.

Thank you to our Coach Kydra Walden and team manager Vivian Kuo for being part of our tour staff.

The tour was a success for all students and parents, hopefully have many more tours to come. Please keep an eye on the Schoolbox notices for our Football Tours in 2025.

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