On Wednesday of Week 3, many of us Year 11 IB chemistry students were given the opportunity to perform various experiments in an exciting Science Show for the Year 3 cohort in the new Aitkenhead Building's STEM room. It was so exciting to witness their monstrous reactions.

They were in awe at the many transformations that the dry ice can do, they screamed at the hydrogen rocket and rushed to the front for a chance to catch the dry ice droplets.

When we had our time for questions and answers, it was also amazing to witness their curious minds ask in-depth questions about the experiments and not just those wanting to try the elephant’s toothpaste! We were so pleased to witness their engaged reactions and truly hope that the show opened their young minds to pursuing science in the Senior School.

Because of this opportunity, we the Chem IB volunteers (Leigh Amores, Chloe Ming, Xenia Dariush-Far, Brigid Mullins, Jarvis Dover, Andre Vasquez, Maito Yamaguchi, Miku Adachi, Hannah Kennedy, Kushi Tumkur), thank the Science Department for the effort and support and the Year 3 teachers who initiated this plan and also graciously gifted us with heart-warming hand-written cards and chocolate.

We also hope to use this experience to prepare an even greater show for the National Science Week in Week 6 and even for next year!

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