Where to begin? Well before the departure day, we had been told inspiring stories about working alongside our friends in Barambah, and we all hoped to make a positive impact on those we interacted. I found myself asking, what outcomes spending a week with these children could be achieved?

I know I would not be able to change anyone's life; however, I discovered this is not why Somerset visits each year. By consistently returning to Barambah on a B Trip and showing that we care and can listen to the local community, collectively we all make the difference.

One topic spoken of during our nightly reflections has been imprinted into my mind: it is all about listening. Indigenous Australians do not need people telling them how to solve the many issues they are confronted with in today’s society, or to get over the transgenerational trauma. They simply need a voice and for people to listen. This is starting to happen and there are some good examples.

I have come home from this insightful experience with new friendships and cherished memories, much love for the children, which I admittedly refer to as ‘my kids’. I have learnt a considerable amount, and hope that this initiative inspires us all to serve this cause in a more effective way as future professionals. With this vision, we may strive to reduce the social gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. It is through overcoming the challenges ahead that we prove our will and determination.

A previous B2er had told me before departing that, ‘this was the best school trip they had ever been on’. I must confess that it has lived up to the expectation and I encourage students who enter Year 10 to attend a B Trip. You will have your eyes opened and your hearts warmed.

The Somerset B3 Trip was unlike any other I have attended. I owe a great debt of gratitude to the College and especially Mr Walker for organising such an amazing experience, and to Mrs Walker and Ms Scandrett for their time in accompanying us on this Nation Building event.

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