An Interdisciplinary Unit, a component of the MYP, was completed by 130 very excited Year 7 students this week. On Tuesday the Year 7s, in their corporate attire, were keen to pitch their very own company and state why the judges, a competent group of Year 11 Business Studies students, should choose their company product as the best for 2018.

The students only had six school days to prepare and create a solution for a problem that they had brainstormed in their, Think Tank session in the previous week. Their business brief was to create a company name, logo, mission statement, financial background and a code of conduct outlining human rights for their workers, how to lessen the impact on the environment and what charities they were going to support with this new venture.

These were modelled and taught in different subject classes during Term Four so that the students could then use these skills from IAS, Mathematics, English and Design lessons to produce their final presentation.

In teams of mainly three, they had to produce four to six slides outlining their company’s product and policies, and present it to the judges. Heats were held to choose one winner in each Year 7 Class, who would then progress to the Grand Final. Our guest judges were Year 11 Business Studies students, who had the very hard task of choosing not only the heat winners but also first, second and third place winners in the Grand Final.

The winners of the inaugural Sustainable Business 101 Award for 2108

1st-GREEN WEAR - Ava McCarthy, Ben Major and Luke Rana-Smith
2nd-SCHOOL’S OUT - Andy Wong Lin and Kartier Marjanovic
3rd-SOMERSET CPS- Ananya Garg, Jerry Zhang, Julia Puhalla and James Gell
Year 11 Grand Final Judges: Katisha Webb, Lachlan Gallagher and Teleah Yuen

Heat Winners of the Year 7 Pitch Competition

7.1 Personal Touch - Zhi Dobson, Mia Huang, Gianni Restaino
7.2 KoKoWare - Amy Barry, Edward Lynch, Tyler Longfield
7.3 Somerset CPS - Ananya Garg, James Gell, Jerry Zhang, Julia Puhalla
7.4 School is Out - Alice Jones, Andy Wong, Kartier Marjanovic
7.5 Green Wear - Ava McCarthy, Ben Major, Luke Rana-Smith
All the Year 7 teams, dressed in their corporate attire, produced an amazing array of product creations and their presentations were well articulated and very professional.

The Year 7 Teaching Team would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who made this happen: Mr Moore for organising the Year 11 Judges, Ms Morley –PITCH Technics, Mr Grocott, Mrs Wheeler for their immense involvement in ensuring the students had the knowledge and skills to complete this Interdisciplinary Unit of work.

A BIG ‘thank you’ to all the Year 7s who worked very hard together to produce imaginative and creative products and services and were willing and eager to experience the workings of the corporate world!

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