Across the globe humans are facing uncertainty and here at Somerset we are adjusting to necessary changes. Senior School Teacher, Andrew Wrigley has penned a poem as we endure this challenging time.

A school with no students; a pub with no beer. The shelves are now empty; there’s nobody here. We seemed so connected but now stay apart, After this year we will need a new start.

Classes are shifting, we’re going online, So just stay the course till Corona’s benign. The subjects are constant with some rearranged, But out of the ether, our service has changed.

We’re in it together, so please wash your hands, Stay distant from others and watch where you stand. A strong Spartan outlook will help us get through, For during this crisis we’ll have to make do.

And after it’s over and all‘s said and done, We’ll get back to normal and start having fun. So while we are waiting and keeping our nerve, Look to the future and flatten the curve.

  • A Wrigley (The Schoolyard Bard)

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