Year 9 design students have been busy researching, designing and producing sustainable beeswax wraps as alternatives to clingfilm. Through our research, we found that over 300 million tonnes of plastic are being produced each year and are destroying natural ecosystems around earth.

Furthermore, we found that beeswax wraps are beneficial to those wanting to become more eco-friendly as they are sustainable, natural, and have antibacterial properties.

It was a really fun process when we were producing our wax wraps and packaging, while learning a lot of new skills. To create the design for our wraps we used a program called Adobe Illustrator. This program allowed us to create any design we wanted from cute fruit designs to mandalas to even pictures of our favourite band. We then printed our design and used the sublimation technique to transfer our design onto cotton.

In order to coat the cotton with beeswax, we applied hot wax onto the cotton, then spread it evenly using the heat press and a brush. After producing our beeswax wraps, we created sustainable packaging on Adobe Illustrator which was then printed using the laser-cutter. Completing our products was very rewarding and has definitely inspired many students to be more sustainable in our everyday lives.

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