We saw 18 rowers new to the Somerset Rowing programme jumping in the pool learning to master the art of getting back in a boat, on Saturday 29 February. Balancing a single scull is harder than riding a bike and practising in the pool is the perfect spot to learn all the basics.

With several of the experienced rowers there to guide them, they were given all the support to help them climb into the boat and row it around the pool.

It’s not often the pool gets to hear calls of ‘back it down on stroke side’ or ‘tap it round on bow side’. Rowing is filled with funny terms, like doing rigger dips, roll ups, squaring up and feathering. Once the new rowers had learnt the basics, they all stood up to master their balance and enjoy one last dive into the pool.

New rowers are always welcome to join the programme and with the Inter-House regatta coming up on 28 March, what better time to put the house polo on and see what rowing is all about?

It won’t be long until the regatta season starts and all these activities help us prepare along the way. Somerset College rowers are keen to improve on their performances from last year, and judging by the way the new rowers took to being the in the single sculls on the weekend, it looks like we are well on the way.

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