With the mid-year holiday break only a week away, now is the perfect time to organise your holiday reading (or listening). We encourage all students to borrow books over the break, providing they have nothing currently overdue.

We are constantly purchasing fantastic new resources, suitable for all ages, tastes and reading levels, so we can certainly offer something for every student.

If you are travelling overseas, save precious luggage space by loading up your tablet with eBooks. The back-lit screen also ensures you won’t disturb your roommate when reading at 3.00am and unable to sleep due to jet lag.

Audiobooks are wonderful entertainment (minus the motion sickness) on long drives or even longer flights, when your eyes are just too tired for reading or watching yet another movie. Who doesn’t love being read to when feeling sleepy?

Our Somerset Library offers a large selection of eBooks and audiobooks via the Wheelers ePlatform. Students can browse and borrow by following the Information Services tab on Schoolbox. It is also a good idea to join Gold Coast City Libraries to access their huge collection of eBooks and Audiobooks. Membership is free and parents are encouraged to sign their children up from birth. Visit the GCCC Library website for more information.

The best thing about eBooks and audiobooks for travel is that they can be borrowed and downloaded from anywhere in the world, any time night or day providing you have a library membership and an internet connection.

Somerset Information Services staff are experts in all things eBook and audiobook and love getting people up and running in this department. Here are a few tips to get started:

  • Tablets are best for eBooks, phones best for Audiobooks
  • Somerset students download the Wheelers ePlatform app on their device to access our digital library.
  • Everyone can join GCCC Libraries and download the BorrowBox, Overdrive and RB Digital apps. Keep your card details handy to log in and borrow, anywhere, any time.
  • Search each app for the book you want or browse by author or genre within each for inspiration.
  • If there is an audiobook you really want, but cannot get for free from the library, consider joining Audible.com. We have plenty of vouchers for free audiobooks in the KIP to give away.

Please feel free to pop into the KIP if you would like any assistance on how to browse, borrow and download eBooks and audiobooks. We have some fabulous recommendations, too.Whatever your interests, whatever your age, where ever in the world your vacation takes you, make sure you have something great to read and make your holiday even better.

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