As we head to holidays, the Year 7s look back over the term and wonder how they managed to fit everything in. We’ve had athletics, musical, debating, NAPLAN, examination block, APS sport and to finish the term, a highly popular table tennis competition.

In our Year Level Meetings, we’ve had a student recite poetry for us and we’ve enjoyed solo performances on flute, violin, voice and piano. Next term we look forward to many more performances and can’t wait to see our dancers perform on the stage at the refurbished Suzanne Roberts Centre for Performing Arts.

We had a Study Skills day before exams, where the students completed sessions on Summarising Techniques, Memorisation and Relaxation. They also completed an online questionnaire, “What Type of Learner Am I?” and then received a fact sheet of study methods to try. After exams, the students reflected on their preparation and they will be able to build on these Study Skills next semester.

In our Year 7 area, we have had a focus on kindness, gratitude and being a good friend. Thank you to all of the Year 7’s who have tried hard to create a happy and supportive environment for their peers.Thank you also to all of the teachers who have mentored the Year 7’s in their senior school journey so far. Best wishes for an enjoyable and relaxing holiday.

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