If you love books and reading but struggle to find the time, audiobooks just might change your life. I go for long walks around my neighbourhood, clean my house and hang umpteen loads of washing on the line whilst wholly engrossed in my latest audiobook.

I am even painting my house without it feeling like much of a chore at all because of audiobooks. The most mundane tasks become enjoyable with a good story and narrator, they are like a ‘teaspoon of sugar’ without the calories!

If you have long holiday drives ahead a family-friendly audiobook will help pass the time and keep everyone in the car entertained. Long haul flights are a joy when you can close your eyes, relax and get lost in having a great story read to you by a skilled reader.

Some say that the act of listening to, rather than reading a book is somehow ‘cheating’, getting the same reward without any of the effort. However, according to University of Virginia psychologist Daniel Willingham, author of the 2015 book, the Science of Reading If, “...you take the question from the perspective of cognitive psychology — that is, the mental processes involved — there is no real difference between listening to a book and reading it.” So, indulge and enjoy without guilt, they’re good for you!

The benefits to children who are learning to read are enormous. From helping to develop good listening and quiet concentration skills to improving a child’s pronunciation, enunciation and vocabulary. Even the sheer pleasure of being read aloud to is great for growing minds.

Here are some tips for getting started with audiobooks:• Join the Gold Coast City Council Library and install the Borrowbox and Overdrive apps on your phone. There is no cost or minimum age so the whole family can join.• Install the Wheelers ePlatform app on your phone for students to access the Somerset College Audiobook library.• If you are unable to find the book you are looking for via these free sources, you may wish to sign up to Audible.com. The cost is $16.45 per month but please come to the KIP as I have several vouchers for two free Audible audiobooks to give away.

If you need any assistance in getting started or some listening recommendations I will be more than happy to help so please feel free to pop into the KIP and say hello.

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