On Wednesday 31 October, Year 3 students met at Sara Carrigan Gate, ready for our first camp away from home. After a tearful goodbye to our families, we excitedly hopped on the bus ready for what lay ahead at Tyalgum Ridge Retreat!

The drive went for an hour and a half and when we finally got off the bus, we put our suitcases in our rooms and went to our first activity. All of the activities required us to be active risk-takers and many of us overcame our fears and had a go at some challenging experiences! Some of our favourite activities were the flying fox, waterfall walk, group initiative games, archery, canoeing and camping skills.

After completing three amazing activities each day, we were treated to delicious meals each day and we even got to share the dining room with our teachers! On the first night at camp we had a reptile show by the Fauna Fetchers who brought in their favourite reptiles. We all got the opportunity to hold a lizard or a snake. On the second night, we held our annual year 3’s got talent, it was a night full of amazing skills with the judges having a very tough decision to make.

By Friday, we were very tired and ready to come home. We did our final two activities in the morning and hopped back on the bus. After a short nap, we were welcomed by the smiling faces of our family ready for a night in our own beds.

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