On Tuesday, some Year 8 students attended Deep Time Conversations as part of the annual BLEACH Festival in Burleigh. The workshop was an eye-opening and interactive presentation that taught us about local indigenous history and how that history can help shape decisions now and in the future.

Stimulus was provided through art installations, storytelling, music and information cards as we went around the yarning circle speaking freely on matters impacting the past, present and future of Burleigh. The experience not only challenged students to think critically but also to listen to one another. We were given the opportunity to emulate and express ideas through public speaking, storytelling, small group discussions, written reflections and sketches. For these activities, students were given questions on cards titled ‘food’, ‘culture’, ‘visiting’, ‘moving’ and ‘living’, and we were also given ‘prompt words’ to invigorate our thinking from the Burleigh Kiosk.

We were challenged to think about these questions and use the ideas and prompts to develop thoughtful, insightful, and creative responses to share with the group. Participation in this workshop has taught us a lot about ourselves. Through listening, discussion and some critical or lateral thinking, we can develop ideas that can be used to connect communities, perhaps even change Burleigh’s future or even Australia’s future. Our ideas will be submitted to local decision makers but I found myself wondering if I was sitting amongst future policy makers, such was the clever contribution made by Somerset students.

On behalf of the group, we want to thank Mr Walker and Mrs Scandrett for providing this unique educational opportunity.

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